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[내돈내산 / 시원스쿨 진짜학습지-36] 시간 전치사 : before, after


by N잡러망이 2024. 3. 10. 11:14



시원스쿨 진짜 학습지-36일차

시간 전치사 : before, after

🎵"~전에"를 의미하는 before

Before + 명사/동명사 , + 누가+어쩐다


Please call me before 5 o'clock

=Before 5 o'clock, please call me

Before going to bed, you need to brush your teeth

🎵"~후에"를 의미하는 after

After + 명사/동명사 , + 누가+어쩐다


We'll go after lunch

I became healthy after exercising every day

After watching the movie, I felt so happy


Before leaving, check the bus schedule.

(떠나기 전에, 버스 시간표를 체크해)

I'll buy a ticket before watching the movie

(영화 보기 전에 표를 살거야)

워크북 틀린 부분

Before going to bed, you should do your homework

Before/after + 명사/동명사


Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work

일의 즐거움은 일의 완벽함을 만든다.

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